Introduction to Living in The Story

Week 1
We Begin with Faith

Week 2
Creation and the Cosmic Creating Christ

Week 3
Sin: The Lost Language of Salvation

Week 4
Abraham: Where is All This Going?

Week 5
The binding of Isaac

Week 6
Jacob: Wrestling with God

Excursus: Paul’s Jesus

Week 7
Joseph: Forgive and Forget ??

Excursus: Mark’s Jesus

Week 8
Passover: What does this mean?

Week 9
The Law of the Lord

Excursus: Matthew’s Jesus

Week 10

Week 11
Tabernacle: When Hearts are Stirred

Week 12
Esther: If I Perish, I Perish

Week 13
Jonah: Three Days in the Belly

Excursus: Luke’s Jesus

Week 14
Re-Reading the Law: Faith Seeking Understanding

Week 15
Leviticus: A New and Living Way

Week 16
Numbers: The Faithfulness of Faith

Week 17
God’s Own People

Week 18
Deuteronomy: Loving God Loving Neighbor

Week 19
Moses’ Warnings and Blessings

Week 20
Pentecost People

Excursus: John’s Jesus

Week 21
The Cosmic Cornerstone

Week 22
Jesus Wept

As You Read Joshua and Judges: Violence in Scripture

Week 23
Damascus Roads

Week 24
Faithful Gentiles

Week 25
Faithful Women

Week 26
Resurrection: A Whole New Thing

Week 27
Witness: This Takes Courage

Week 28
Symbols in John’s Gospel

Week 29
David’s House

Week 30
David’s Undoing

Week 31
The Way of Wisdom

Week 32
The Women Who Anointed Jesus

Week 33
What Are You Doing Here, Elijah?

Week 34
Open Our Eyes, Lord

Week 35
The Final Days of the Two Kingdoms

Week 36
Laments: Where Was God?

Week 37

Week 38
Living in Apocalypse

Week 39
Prophets’ Imagination

Week 40
Reflections on the Psalms

Week 41
Jeremiah: Righteous Anger

Week 42
Holding on to Hope

Week 43
Visions, Parables and Poetry

Week 44
Daniel In the Lions’ Den

Week 45
Ezra: All Things New

Week 46

Week 47
Justice, Kindness, Humility

Week 48
Final Reflections: The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.