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Passover Archives - Living in The Story

Week 8: Exodus

The Exodus . . . lies at the very heart of Jewish identity.

The Exodus . . . lies at the very heart of Jewish identity. Throughout the centuries, as the Jews have endured persecution, pogrom, and holocaust, the remembrance of God’s deliverance has sustained them.

This story of Exodus also shaped the telling of the Christian story from the very beginning. Matthew’s gospel sees Jesus as the new Moses. Mark’s gospel characterizes the work of Jesus as deliverance.

The Exodus story creates hope for any number of communities that have experienced oppression; for example, the Liberation Theology of our own time is a direct descendant of this Exodus tradition and continues to spark a hopeful fire within oppressed peoples across the globe . . .

Whether the liberation from Egypt is a story set in time or one of those deeply true stories that transcends time, the power of the story continues to give life and hope to oppressed people in every age. Oppression of any kind (the story suggests) is never God’s will. Rather God’s way is liberation, freedom, wholeness, life—and God is ever at work in the world bringing life.

The call to “remember rightly” includes the call to remember the wrongs done by and to the human family and to stand in opposition (as Moses did) to any abusive power, to stand against all the pharaohs of the earth.

The call to “remember rightly” includes the memory of the Passover lamb, a meal with a strong tradition of community and covenant that weaves throughout the biblical texts. Abraham killed the fatted calf to welcome his angelic guests. The father killed the fatted calf to welcome home his prodigal son. Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners, signifying them as part of his kinship community.

The Passover lamb represented the covenant God initiated with an unlikely people.

Read more at Charlotte Vaughan Coyle. Living in The Story: A Year to Read the Bible and Ponder God’s Story of Love and Grace (pp. 120-121). Resource Publications. Kindle Edition.

Readings for Living in The Story Week 8

Exodus 1-15

Psalm 24

Psalm 90

Psalm 105


Mark 11-16

Week 16: April 16 – April 22

Interestingly, the Book of Numbers is filled with all sorts of numbers! Israel counts everything and everyone. Push on through your reading even when it seems boring and repetitious; you will happen on to several fascinating stories that keep giving insight into this ancient people.

The book is set at Mt. Sinai one year after leaving Egypt. They celebrate their second Passover and receive detailed instructions so that the memorial will pass from generation to generation – as our Jewish cousins have celebrated once again this past week.

This week’s readings follow Holy Week: the week Christians celebrated Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter. These events from 2000 year ago are firmly set within the Passover tradition and our New Testament theologians recognized many connections to the sacrifice of Jesus and the sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb.

Also tucked away in all the lists of tribes and families is this beautiful benediction in chapter 6:

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the Israelites: You shall say to them,

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

So they shall put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.

Numbers 1-16

Psalm 54

Psalm 91

Psalm 98

Luke 3-4

Hebrews 11-13

As You Read resource for Weeks 16 and 17

Living in The Story blog for Week 16