A new year creates a natural opportunity to begin new efforts and explore new directions. If reading the Bible and trying to understand it better has ever been an effort or exploration you have pondered, now is a good time to give it a try.
And Living in The Story is a good tool to guide you.
Charlotte Coyle created this read-and-blog-through-the-Bible-in-a-year plan while she was doing doctoral studies at Brite Divinity School. It’s a new kind of Bible reading plan; quite different from most plans that begin in Genesis, slog through the prophets, rush through the Gospels and end in Revelation.
Instead, Living in The Story allows us to follow the biblical story across the breadth of Scripture, across the ages. Each week, the readings take us from the Old Testament, into the Psalms, across to the Gospels and on to the Epistles. We see some of the same connections within The Story some of the biblical theologians saw. And we can consider how This Story connects with our own stories in our own time and place.

Charlotte’s blogs give you background and insight as you read. Each week, she offers two or three short essays that give you different perspectives on the readings and how this ancient-yet-ever-new-text can continue to provide wisdom, comfort, courage and challenge for our own day.
When you subscribe to Living in The Story, you will receive two or three emails each week guiding you through the process throughout the year. You will have Charlotte’s blogs in your inbox along with scripture links directing you to the online Gateway Bible: Everything together in one place so you can choose how and when you read as you go along.
Some people read only the Psalms every week; some only the Gospels. Some use this opportunity to read through the Old Testament with Charlotte’s blogs helping them make some sense. Some people read every scripture every week – for awhile. And then, after a break, they find their second wind and begin again wherever we are. Some people get all the way through the entire Bible in a year.
It’s not hard. It’s guilt-free. Living in The Story will be sitting right there in your inbox, ready when you are.
It’s good to take time each day, each week to allow ourselves to be formed and transformed by the Christ who is the Living Word speaking to us through these words of Scripture.
I invite you to give it a try. For one year. For one month. This is a good time to begin a new effort and explore a new direction. And I invite you to join me in conversation about what we are seeing as we take this journey together.
Go to www.LivinginTheStory.com to subscribe.